First Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-9

A reading from the book of the prophet Jeremiah.

For Our God says this:

Sing with joy for Jacob!

Shout among the leaders of the nations!

Proclaim! Praise! Shout:

“Our God has saved our people,
The remnant of Israel!”

See, I will bring them back

from the land of the north
And gather them all

from the far ends of the earth:

The blind and the lame,

women with child, women in labor –
a great company returning here.

Though they had left in tears,

I will comfort them as I lead them back;
I will guide them to streams of water,

by a smooth path where they will not stumble.

For I gave birth to Israel;
Ephraim is my firstborn.

The Word of God recorded in the book of the prophet Jeremiah.


Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 126

R: God has done great things for us, we are truly glad.

When God brought back the captives of Zion,

we were like those who dream.

Then our mouths were filled with laughter

and our tongues with rejoicing.

R: God has done great things for us, we are truly glad.

Then they said among the nations,

“God has done great things for them.”

God has done great things for us;

we are truly glad.

R: God has done great things for us, we are truly glad.

Restore our fortunes, 0 God,

like the streams in the Negeb!

May those who sow in tears

reap with songs of joy!

R: God has done great things for us, we are truly glad.

Those that go forth weeping,

carrying the seed for sowing

Will come home with shouts of joy,

bringing the sheaves with them.

R: God has done great things for us, we are truly glad.

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