*Alternate Third* Reading: “Circle” by Jennifer Garrison Brownell (adapted)

The heavens are the Lord’s heavens, but the earth she has given to human beings (Psalm 115:16)

Let’s make a big circle. Let’s make it big enough for those we love and those we hate. Let’s make it so big that those we love prosper, and those we cannot love prosper, too. Let’s make a circle big enough and wide enough and abundant enough that scarcity and fear and hate are what is squeezed out, but not people—never, never, never God’s children. Let’s make a big circle where every single created thing knows that we are one family, because in this big circle, all living beings share the same first name, and that name is Beloved. Let’s make a circle that includes all critters that walk, fly or burrow on the earth; all manner of plants and minerals, purple mountain majesties and the sand you just found in your sneakers from last summer’s trip to the beach. Let’s make a big circle.

The words of Jennifer Garrison Brownell.

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