Ash Wednesday Year A *Alternate* Second Reading


*Alternate* Second Reading: Honoring Advocacy by Pixie Lighthorse

Help me to speak out for justice with a special desire fueled by a power greater than surface comforts and outdated systems.

Let me be a troublemaker to champion those I love and care for, and for those I don’t know intimately who need my help. Hire me to be a powerful voice for the change that heals, reconciles, forgives, and improves. Help me create time and space to lend support where it is needed. Transmit to me the passion to be bothered by violations of another’s rights to life, liberty, happiness, and their voice. Find me faithful and in service, riding shotgun to heart-led movements, and leading the charge when it is up to me to do so.

Remove my feelings of hopelessness in what I perceive to be the opposition. Align me with action and channel my energy for others.

Bind me to the medicine of love. Let me affect the transformation that leads to needed change. Light the torch of revolution in my heart. Stand me upright on a foundation of faith while I take the next steps. Build my voice as an instrument for defending freedoms which provide equality. Keep my motivations clean. Grant me the tools to see near and far, and find me adjusting the lens often.

Help me to give a leg up to the underdog: to root for the one who doesn’t stand a chance. Help me to accept being unliked or misunderstood for positioning myself behind what I believe in.

Bolster my confidence and give me the understanding and empathy required for sustainable existence.  Make tolerance my priority and give me the words and actions to fight violence with the sword of peace.

Orient me to inclusivity. Help me to stop putting individuals into dualistic opposition, rather focus me on repairing broken systems, and my participation in them. Dissolve my tendencies for cliques, partisanship, judgment, righteousness, bandwagons, and the damning or idolizing of those I perceive to have more than me.

Help me to do my part to clang the bells of freedom.

When ten thousand are whispering, make me one who is listening.

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