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Our DMIEC community works to address food insecurity issues in the Des Moines metro area via a special collection for the DMARC Emergency Food Pantries on the fourth Sunday of every month.

The need is real.  In 2023, over 65,000 individuals were assisted, more than a third of whom were 17 years old or younger.  Nearly one in four City of Des Moines residents used a DMARC pantry.  The daily record for most visits on a day was broken 23 times last year.

And that need has not subsided. The combination of inflated food prices, an end to COVID benefits, and lingering pandemic hardships is driving more people to seek assistance at the pantry.

For more information, please visit the DMARC Food Pantries website https://www.dmarcunited.org/food/
Read DMARC’s most recent quarterly newsletter here.

Here are two ways to donate:

  • Via special envelopes available at DMIEC on in-person fourth Sundays. Please write checks to “DMARC,” include a note with/on your check indicating that you are part of the DMIEC community, put the check in the envelope, and put the envelope in the collection basket.
  • Send donation checks directly to DMARC. Please write checks to “DMARC” and mail to DMARC at its *new address,* 100 Army Post Road, Des Moines, IA 50315. Please include a note with your check indicating that you are part of the DMIEC community.
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