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The proceeds of our January 7 “First Sunday” collection will benefit Boundless Compassion. Founded by Sr. Joyce Rupp, Boundless Compassion is a network of programs, retreats, writings, practices and people that encourage healthy self-compassion, explore compassionate living, and offer creative ways to nurture and sustain compassion. Over 100 Boundless Compassion Facilitators from North America and United Kingdom lead retreats and programs that foster compassion as a way of life. Our collection will support the costs of designing a program that invites and involves more diverse Boundless Compassion Facilitators to cross boundaries that have limited their compassionate outreach, which is primarily middle-class and white females. The organization is currently engaged with the Center of the Heart consulting firm in Atlanta, Georgia, to provide strategic implementation of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging into the organization’s structure, expanded recruiting of more diverse facilitators, and connecting with other diverse organizations committed to bringing compassion into our communities and the world. The cost projections are from $5,000-$10,000 in addition to hundreds of volunteer hours working with Center of the Heart. Boundless Compassion is solely funded by grants and membership fees. For more information, visit boundlesscompassion.org.


DMIEC, P.O. Box 30065, Des Moines, IA 50310

Checks can be written either to “Boundless Compassion” or to “DMIEC” with “First Sunday” in the memo line.

We would prefer that all checks be mailed to DMIEC. If you mail your check directly to the organization, please inform Susan Barnes of the amount, if you feel comfortable, so the Social Justice Committee can get an accurate count of donations.

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