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Our First Sunday collection recipient for May will be the Hindu Cultural and Educational Center (“HCEC”).

The new Hindu Cultural and Educational Center (HCEC) on East Army Post Road will provide a place for various religious, educational, and cultural activities for all ages within the local Bhutanese-American community and beyond. The money collected via May’s First Sunday offering will be used to help fund putting up drywall, carpeting, painting, plumbing, ceilings, side work, and land elevation work. Please visit the group’s website at https://hcec-iowa.org/about-us/.


DMIEC, P.O. Box 30065, Des Moines, IA  50310

Checks can be written either to “HCEC” (mention DMIEC in the memo line) or to “DMIEC” with “First Sunday” in the memo line.

While we would prefer that all checks be mailed to DMIEC, if you mail your check directly to the organization, please inform Ed Arnold of the amount, if you feel comfortable, so the Social Justice Committee can get an accurate count of donations.  Thank you for your generosity.

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