Feast of the Holy Family Year C First Reading and Responsorial Psalm


First Reading: Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14

A reading from the book of Sirach.

God sets a father in honor over his children;

a mother’s authority is confirmed over her children.

They who honor their father atone for sins;

and riches are stored up for those who revere their mothers.

They who honor their parents are gladdened by children,
and when they pray they are heard.

They who revere their parents will live a long life;

they obey God who bring comfort to their parents.

My children, take care of your parents when they are old;
do not grieve them as long as they live.

Even if their minds fail, be considerate of them;

revile them not in the fullness of your strength.

For kindness to parents will not be forgotten,

it serves as a sin offering – it will take lasting root.

The Word of God recorded in the book of Sirach.


Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 128

R: Happy are those who fear Our God, who walk in God’s  way.

Happy are those who fear Our God

and walk in God’s ways!

You will eat what your hands have worked for.

Happy will you be and favored.

R: Happy are those who fear Our God, who walk in God’s ways.

You will be like a fruitful vine

in the heart of your house;

Your children like shoots of the olive

around your table.

R: Happy are those who fear Our God, who walk in God’s ways.

Indeed thus will be blessed

the one who fears Our God.

May the Most High bless you from Zion

all the days of your life.

R: Happy are those who fear Our God, who walk in God’s ways.

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