Pentecost Sunday Year B Second Reading
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13
A reading from the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians.
It is for that reason that I want you to understand that no one can be speaking under the influence of the Holy Spirit and say, “Curse Jesus”; by the same token, no one can say “Jesus Christ reigns supreme” unless under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit. There is a variety of ministries, but the same. One we serve. There is a variety of outcomes, but the same God who is working in all of them. To each person is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
The body is one, even though it has many parts; all the parts, many though they are, comprise a single body. And so it is with Christ. It was by one Spirit that all of us, whether Jew or Greek, slave or free, were baptized into one body. All of us have been given to drink of the one Spirit.
The Word of God recorded in the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians.