Second Sunday of Easter Year B Reading


Reading: 1 John 5:1-6

A reading from the first letter of John.

Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Messiah
has been born of God.

Now, everyone who loves God loves the one
who has come from God.

We can be sure that we love God’s children

when we love God and do what God has commanded.

The love of God consists in this:

that we keep God’s commandments-

and these commandments are not burdensome.

Everyone born of God conquers the world,

and the power that has conquered the world
is our faith.

Who then can overcome the world?

The one who believes that

Jesus is the Only Begotten of God.

Jesus Christ came by water and blood,
not by water alone,

but with water and blood.

It is the Spirit who testifies to this, and the Spirit is truth.

The Word of God recorded in the first letter of John.

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