Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A *Alternate* First Reading


*Alternate* First Reading: Psalm 27

A reading from the book of Psalms.

Yhwh, you are my light, my salvation—
whom will I fear?
You are the fortress of my life—
of whom will I be afraid?
When my enemies attack me,
spreading vicious lies about me
wherever they go,
they, my adversaries and foes,
will stumble and fall.
Though an army mounts a siege against me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
I’ll still be confident.

One thing I ask of you, Yhwh,
one thing I seek:
that I may dwell in your house
all the days of my life,
to gaze on your beauty
and to meditate in your Temple.
You will keep me safe in your shelter
when trouble arises,
you will hide me
under the cover of your Tabernacle—
you’ll set me on a rock,
high and out of reach.
Then I’ll be able to hold my head up,
even with my enemies surrounding me.
I will offer in your Tabernacle
sacrifices of great joy—
I’ll sing and make music to you, Yhwh!

Hear me when I call, Yhwh!
Have mercy on me and answer me!
You say to my heart, “Seek my face,”
and so it is your face I seek!
Don’t hide your face from me;
don’t turn your faithful one away in anger.
Don’t reject me, don’t desert me,
O God of my salvation,
for you are my only help.
Even if my own parents reject me,
you, Yhwh, will accept me.
Teach me your way, Yhwh,
and lead me on a straight path because of my enemies.
Don’t surrender me to the will of my enemies;
for defamers rise up against me breathing violence.

Even so I have confidence
that I’ll see the goodness of Yhwh
in the land of the living!
Wait for God—stand tall
and let your heart take courage!
Yes, wait for Yhwh.

The Word of God recorded in the book of Psalms.

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