*Alternate* First Reading by Joyce Rupp
Quiet your mind by inviting your thoughts to sit beside you and be still for a while.
Do the same for any feelings that might distract you. Ask any physical pain or discomfort
you may be experiencing to move aside while you enter into a time of quiet.
Breathe in and out, repeating the following phrases:
On the inbreath: “You are here, Holy One.”
On the outbreath: “I am here.”
Invite peace to settle in your mind … in your heart … and in your body …
Repeat quietly within yourself: “Pease, peace, peace.”
Then turn to the Spirit’s Love dwelling within your being.
As you do so, repeat the following phrases:
On the inbreath: “I welcome you, Spirit of Love.”
On the outbreath: “I am filled with this love.”
Allow yourself to be reassured about the closeness of divine love within you,
and around you.
With this love entwined in your mind, heart, and body,
welcome the peace and stillness accompanying this gift.
The words of Joyce Rupp.