The Most Holy Trinity Year C *Alternate* First Reading and Responsorial Psalm


*Alternate* First Reading: “Closing the Circle” by John Foley

The Triune God is not some kind of brainy speculation by scholars. It is the way we experience God in this world. 

Everything the Father has belongs to the Word. Everything that Jesus the Word has belongs to the Spirit. The Spirit is the third part of God, so to speak, and it bestows us and the whole earth back upon the Father, thus closing the circle.

What aliveness, what movement there is in God: speaking, reaching out, flourishing forth, receiving back. God is liquid motion, a dynamism in which everything is changing always, yet always remaining the same because it is love. We are invited into that circle of love even in today’s difficult world.

And that is why we hear “all this stuff about the Trinity.” 

The words of John Foley.


Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 8

R:  How wonderful is Your Presence, O God, through all the earth!

When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,

the moon and stars which You set in place-­

Who are we that You should be mindful of us,

that You should care for us?

R: How wonderful is Your Presence, O God, through all the earth!

You have made us little less than the gods

and crowned us with glory and honor.

You have given us rule over the works of Your hands,

putting all things under our feet.

R: How wonderful is Your Presence, O God, through all the earth!

All sheep and oxen,

yes, and the beasts of the field.

The birds of the air, the fishes of the sea

and whatever swims the paths of the seas.

R: How wonderful is Your Presence, O God, through all the earth!

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