Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A *Alternate* First Reading


First Reading: From the writings of Mother Teresa

We believe [God] is everywhere. We believe that [God]  has made you, and made me, not just to be a number in the world, but [God] has made us with a purpose. There is a reason for our being here… And that reason is love. You have been made to love and to be loved. That’s why it is so wrong not to love. And that’s the most beautiful thing that the human being has or can give: Love. Not in words. Because we are human beings [and] we want to see, we want to touch. That’s why poor people give us much more than we can give to them—because they give us an opportunity to love God in them. When I give a piece of bread to a hungry child, I believe what Jesus said, “You give it to Me.”

The words of Mother Teresa

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