Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B First Reading and Responsorial Psalm


First Reading: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20

A reading from the book of Wisdom.

The godless say to themselves,

with their misguided reasoning,
“Let us lie in wait for you, O virtuous one,

since you annoy us and oppose our way of life;
you reproach us for our breaches of the Law

and accuse us of playing false to our upbringing.

Let us see if what you say is true,

let us observe what kind of end you yourself will have.

If you, O virtuous–one, are God’s own child, God will take
and rescue you from the clutches of your enemies.

Let us test you with cruelty and with torture,
and thus test this gentleness of yours
and put your endurance to the proof.

Let us condemn you to a shameful death

since you will be looked after – we have your word for it.”

The Word of God recorded in the book of Wisdom.


Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 54

R:  God is the one who sustains my life.

Save me, O God, by the power of Your name

and defend me by Your might.

O God, hear my prayer,

listen to my supplication.

R: God is the one who sustains my life.

The insolent rise to attack me,

the ruthless seek my life;

they have no regard for God.

R: God is the one who sustains my life.

But God is my helper,

the One who sustains my life.

I will offer You, a willing sacrifice

and praise Your name, for it is good.

R: God is the one who sustains my life.