Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Gospel


Gospel: John 6:60-69

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John.

Many of the disciples of Jesus remarked, “This kind of talk is hard to endure! How can anyone take it seriously?”  Jesus was fully aware that the disciples were murmuring in protest at what he had said.  “Is this a stumbling block for you?” he asked them.  What, then, if you were to see me ascend to where I was before?  It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh in itself is useless.  The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.  Yet among you there are some who do not believe.

Jesus knew from the start, of course, the ones who would refuse to believe, and the one who would hand him over. He went on to say:  This is why I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted by Abba God.

From this time on, many of the disciples broke away and would not remain in the company of Jesus.  Jesus then said to the Twelve, “Do you want to leave me, too?”  Simon Peter answered, “To whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life.  We have come to believe; we are convinced that you are God’s Holy One.”

The Good News as spoken through John.