Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C *Alternate* Gospel


*Alternate* Gospel: Luke 15:3-24, from eucharist with a small “e” by Miriam Therese Winter

The Lost Sheep

Which one of you with a hundred sheep, should you lose one of them, would not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness to look for the one that is lost? And when it has been found, would you not carry it home on your shoulders, rejoicing all the way? And when you are home, would you not celebrate with friends and neighbors, saying, rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost?

The Lost Coin

Which one of you with ten silver coins, should you lose one of them, would not light a lamp and sweep the floor and thoroughly search throughout the house until the coin is found? And when you find it, would you not celebrate with friends and neighbors, saying, rejoice with me, for I have found the coin I had lost?

The Lost Son

A family has two children The younger one asked for a share of what was to have been their inheritance, and when the property had been divided and apportioned equally, left home for a distant land and behaved irresponsibly. The money was spent without restraint, and in no time at all it was gone. A devastating famine struck. Everyone was hungry. The lost son fed a farmer’s pigs in order to survive, longing to eat what those animals ate. One day there came an awakening. What am I doing living like this? Why am I dying of hunger here when there is food at home? Why not go back to my family and ask to be forgiven? The lost son was still a long way off when someone shouted: look who is coming! Father and mother ran all the way to meet and greet their beloved child with tears and warm embraces. Quick! Bring a robe, the very best! Bring sandals and adornments! Catch and prepare the fatted calf. Let us give thanks with a festive meal, for our child who was dead is alive again. The one who was lost has been found!

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