Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A *Alternate* First Reading and Responsorial Psalm


*Alternate* First Reading by Gregory Boyle

God is compassionate, loving kindness. All we’re asked to do is to be in the world who God is. Certainly, compassion was the wallpaper of Jesus’ soul, the contour of his heart, it was who he was. I heard someone say once, ‘Just assume the answer to every question is compassion.’

Jesus pulled this off. Compassion is no fleeting occasional emotion rising to the surface like eros or anger. It’s full-throttled. Scripture scholars connect the word to the entrails, to the bowels, from the deepest part of the person. This was how Jesus was moved, from the entirety of his being. He was ‘moved with pity’ when he saw folks who seemed like ‘sheep without a shepherd.’ He had room for everybody in his compassion…

Jesus says if you love those who love you, big wow (which I believe is the original Greek). He doesn’t suggest that we cease to love those who love us when he nudges us to love our enemies. Nor does Jesus think the harder thing is the better thing. He knows it’s just the harder thing. But to love the enemy and to find some spaciousness for the victimizer, as well as the victim, resembles more the expansive compassion of God. That’s why you do it.

To be in the world who God is.

Here is what we seek:  compassion that can stand in awe at what the poor have to carry rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it.

The words of Gregory Boyle.


*Alternate* Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25 from Psalms for Praying by Nan C. Merrill

R: To You, O Love, I lift up my soul!

O Heart within my heart,
in You I place my trust.
Let me not feel unworthy;
let not fear rule over me.
Yes! May all who open their hearts
savor You and bless the earth!

 R: To You, O Love, I lift up my soul!

 Compel me to know your ways, O Love;
instruct me upon your paths.
Lead me in your truth,
and teach me,
for through you will I know wholeness;
I shall reflect your Light
both day and night.

 R: To You, O Love, I lift up my soul!

I know of your mercy, Blessed One,
and of your unconditional Love;
You have been with me
from the beginning.
Forgive the many times I have walked
away from You
choosing to follow my own will.
I seek your guidance, once again,
I yearn to know your Peace.
Companion me as I open to your Will!

R: To You, O Love, I lift up my soul!

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