Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B First Reading and Responsorial Psalm


First Reading: Numbers 11:25-29

A reading from the book of Numbers.

Our God came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses.  Taking some of the Spirit that was on Moses, God bestowed it on the seventy elders that Moses had gathered there; and as the Spirit came to rest on them, they prophesied.

Now two others, one named Eldad and the other Medad, were not in the gathering but had stayed behind in the camp.  They too had been on the list, but had not gone out to the tent; yet the Spirit came to rest on them also, and they prophesied in the camp.  So when a youth came running to tell Moses, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp,” Joshua, begot of Nun, who from youth had been Moses’ aide, cried, “Moses, stop them!” But Moses answered, “Are you jealous for my sake?  If only all of Our God’s people were prophets!  If only Our God would bestow the Spirit on them all!”

The Word of God recorded in the book of Numbers.


Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19

R:  Your precepts, Adonai, they gladden the heart.

Your law, Adonai, is perfect;

it refreshes the soul.

Your rule is to be trusted;

it gives wisdom to the simple.

R: Your precepts, Adonai, they gladden the heart.

Fear of You, Adonai, is holy,

abiding forever.

Your degrees are faithful,

and all of them just.

R: Your precepts, Adonai, they gladden the heart.

So in them Your servant finds instruction,

in keeping them is great reward.

But who can detect failings?

From hidden faults forgive me.

R: Your precepts, Adonai, they gladden the heart.

From presumption restrain Your servant

and let it not rule me.

Then I will be blameless,

free from grave sin.

R: Your precepts, Adonai, they gladden the heart.