Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C *Alternate* First Reading


*Alternate* First Reading: Psalm 91

We dwell in the shelter of the Most High.
We abide in the shadow of the Holy One.
We say, “You are our refuge and stronghold,
our God in whom we put our trust.”

You deliver us from the snare of the hunter
and from all manner of evils.
You cover us with your pinions
and hide us in the shadow of your wings.

We need not be afraid of any terror of the night,
or danger of the day.

We will be strong in the face of difficulty
and face the trials of our lives [and our life together] with calm assurance.

We need not fear illness or injury,
people who roar like lions or hiss like snakes,
You will put an end to our fears.

We hear you whisper,
I am bound to you in love,
I will help you in times of trouble.
I am with you when you call for me.
I will dwell in your hearts through the years of your lives—and forever. “